Day 79 - Eshan through Yuanyang to Honghe Hani Rice Terraces - Mon 13 May 2013
Day 79 - Eshan through Yuanyang to Honghe Hani Rice Terraces - Mon 13 May 2013
Off into a foggy morning. Passed graveyard for Chinese who died in 2nd world war under Japanese. Rob formally waved to police at checkpoint and all three saluted back.
Discussion re which road to go - itinerary says to Sunday markets missed yesterday, or new road through mountains? Latter got drivers vote, over-ruling the photographers! No sooner onto new road than pulled up by immigration police at military checkpoint – looked at Chinese number plates, passports, but they got the papers mixed up, so all were requested to get back out of vehicles until sorted out.
On the road again to impressive engineering, but put in context by size of landslides. (Who said there's an expectation that 20% of Asian engineering will fail???) Pretty scary “Evil Knieval” ramps - if you don't stop, you launch on into the valley!! Some serious road issues/slippage – not a lot of repair work in evidence. Spectacular engineering, suspension bridges almost ignoring terrain and cost. Women working on roads, men squatting watching or supervising!!

Yuanyang, homeland of Honghe Hani Rice Terraces 1300 years old "layer upon layer of terraced fields look like heavenly ladders" stretching the entire south bank of the Red River. Situated in the Ailao Mountains, terraces are found at 2940mts at highest peak. As its summer there are green rice crops, and muddy paddy fields tilled by using water buffalo, hand planting. The place has UNESCO World Cultural Heritage listing. Colourful ethnic folk costumes, indigo blue, with bright embroidery, tassels and silver ornaments. We commenced the loop at Dayutang, had lunch at magnificent Bada site, watched a funeral procession in Sheng Village, then drove round back of mountains, BoyRob looking in vain for rest of group in rear view mirror (but they had turned back so missed the final viewing station at Laohuzui - breathtaking /dizzying height of terraces..)

Camped peacefully overnight in lower level of visitor centre car park....
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