Winds still fierce, made cuppa inside, sand and grit everywhere. Borrowed Guy’s ladder to reposition rubber mats under top boxes which had shaken out. Drove into Tsogttsetsii, which was more substantial than other towns to date due to large mine on outskirts. Employee buses were picking up and ferrying staff to work. While Miles located a 2nd hand spring, we looked at mine infrastructure - funny to see contractors had set up ger camp for employees.

West out of town following power towers and corrugations to sub-station, then single power lines. Saw a pair of beautiful Demoiselle Crested Cranes. Light rain and mist/ dust. What looks like a prison being constructed well out of town. Stopped on small rise for morning tea, Miles searching for source of continual rattle from overhead. Passed first traffic, wide-fronted grey coloured minivans/ people movers. Obviously not daunted by desert roads (choices of which can be 2 kms wide) Toyota and LandCruiser also top the market.

Gers move twice year, winter and summer, use stone/ wood animal pens in winter. Parked on open grasslands in grand view of mountain range which moved through shades of soft to dark purples as sun dipped, colours and contours like Flinders Ranges. Watched jerboas foraging and running between holes. Delicious to settle for no-fuss toasties and a new book….
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