Day 131 - Dalanzadgad plains to Yolyn Am -
Thu 4 Jul
Hot sunrise, brushed out yet more dust from camper, no water to spare to clean windscreen. All animals losing their fur, moulting winter coats even dogs - look mangy. Startled a long-eared hare into running parallel along trench. Arrived Yolyn Am ice canyon, oasis in desert, 3km walk in.
Hot sunrise, brushed out yet more dust from camper, no water to spare to clean windscreen. All animals losing their fur, moulting winter coats even dogs - look mangy. Startled a long-eared hare into running parallel along trench. Arrived Yolyn Am ice canyon, oasis in desert, 3km walk in.
Parked under
Siberian Elm, plants low fir/ cypress bushes thick at base of hills. Purple and
yellow wild flowers, one patch of bright purple daisies with bright orange
centres. The emerald green circular patches growing up slopes is juniper, with
small silvery conical nuts. Rocky outcrops forming canyon walls as go deeper. BoyRob found opaque blue patches in one rock alongside stream (copper?) Mongolian
kids at home on ponies, wildly riding bareback - dismounting fluidly to scamper up slopes and
collect plants/ leaves.

On way out we took rough side road and came across a vodka and drug party on top of hill, unfortunately the museum called…. and what a surprise it was - poorly taxidermied but scary creatures of the Gobi (snarling grey wolf, circling vultures and brooding owls), as well as dinosaur fossils/ eggs, petrified wood. The Gurvansaikhan people sold souvenirs, petrified wood and globular rocks in ger shops.

Camped in lee of hill in range overlooking vast plains and watched shadows lengthen during slow dusk, colours moving from pinks to mauves to deep purples. Had hearty beef stew, savoured rich meat, veg and gravy, drank red wine and finished with chocolate – does life get any better than this?? Yes! Heard soft sounds on grasslands behind camper and turned to see herd of horses padding past quietly behind us, snorting softly, with manes glowing in setting sun.

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