Days 227 to 233 - Vienna to Raab
and HOME! Tues 8 to 14 Oct
Sun shining again, not really cold. Before embarking on final stage of GlobalTrek 2013 with our drive to Raab /storage today, walked down to Paradise Gardens to see Ernst Fushs private museum in Wagner's restored house. Founder of the Phantastic Realist School, his work is fabulous, gaudy, glitzy with bright textiles, and semi-erotic statues. The multi-face metal statue in the garden was an amazing work.
Sun shining again, not really cold. Before embarking on final stage of GlobalTrek 2013 with our drive to Raab /storage today, walked down to Paradise Gardens to see Ernst Fushs private museum in Wagner's restored house. Founder of the Phantastic Realist School, his work is fabulous, gaudy, glitzy with bright textiles, and semi-erotic statues. The multi-face metal statue in the garden was an amazing work.

Austria is so beautiful, we have to come back and see all the arts, do walks, especially the woods. Stopped in pub/ cafe for breakfast, had to choose furtherest table to avoid smokers. Halloween decorations in shops, wreaths on doors - a time of harvest festival in Europe. Pumpkins abound in fields, church spires on cobblestones in middle of quaint villages, flowers in window boxes, castles on every hill, sunflowers and yellow grain growing, corn being harvested. Amazed to see miles and miles of solar panels on edges of fields and running alongside railway tracks. Bypassed Liszt, pulled over to have salmon wraps for lunch.

Arrived Raab mid afternoon and met Erich the Bremarch proprietor discussing storage, repairs, and documents for Austrian and German Customs. Detailed the list of jobs to be done before we leave for Australia (for roadworthy) and whilst we are away (tail lights, reattach number plate, replace door lock, Webasto water heater, service on steps/ holder, wheel balance, replace neck of fuel tank to fit cap, repair electric motor that pumps fuel from reserve to main tank etc etc). He was happy for us to stay in his workshop and use toilets, power, washing machine etc for next couple of days - what a relief to be on site, and can sort, pack, clean etc around repairs. Met up with Guy and Cheryl as they returned from a foray into the village - they take the train to Munich tomorrow. Dinner at pub with amazing barmaid, giving us free aperitifs and telling funny stories about gypsies and how they (didn't!) use toilets.

Farewelled our erstwhile travelling companions. Erich’s sister Etti gave us a lift to Passau station, caught train to Munich, bus to airport and flew home via Abu Dabi and Singapore.
Year One over.
Hello Family, Hello House.
Year Two planning under discussion.
….and so it begins……