Farewelled Romeo and Juliet, looked briefly through their Europe camping books, and received invitation to visit them in Sweden next year, marked their address in Pocket Earth. Apparently they help run their local caravan park on the Lake there.

Drove to pretty Egerszalok village, where locals decorated their bright or pastel houses with stonework which gave a built from ruins appeal.

We were looking for “thermal waters with radioactive content". Steam clouds rose above hot water running down a series of cascades, lined with gleaming travertine, locally called Salt Hill – active/steaming compared to inactive one in China (although that was much bigger). Funny to see people in swimmers enjoying the spa pools with their winter woollies hanging on pegs alongside.

Couple of oil donkeys in the vineyards. Had delicious lunch at Old Jacks Pub,
BoyRob boldly tried escargot "bit chewy", but breaded sole was
"mighty fine". Bought groceries, had Vodaphone SIM card activated
then came back to park - more washing, filled with water, emptied loo, all
ready for takeoff again tomorrow. Gathered walnuts under trees.

Dinner of Hungarian Goulash (in a bucket) and strudel in boisterous hotel restaurant up a road
full of entrances to underground wine stills and cellars. Enjoyed funny old
waiter with a dry sense of humour, encouraging patrons to drink red wine in a
stream from a 3 litre glass syphon, before walking back in the crisp freezing

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