Nice sunny morning, leisurely start, said goodbye to goats, secondary road closed for roadworks so went via lower Chermitz instead. Wind farms beside highway, massive blades and towers (some made of steel girders) towering well above pine forests. Roadside stop for salad on roll. Saw sign "Autobahnkirche" – is that a church in middle of highway with traffic flowing around it? Or nearby church in case you need a quick prayer fix? Or drive-thru confessions? Fascinating daily mysteries....

Found expensive Knaus Campingpark, in Nuremberg - compensated by squirrels running around, and being close enough to walk to Zeppelinfield tomorrow. Just had to knock on the door of a fellow camper to ask the source of his smoking chimney, and were amazed to find they had an old wood stove installed, complete with cigarette butts in ash tray!!
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