Ready to catch ferry from Seydisfyordur back to Hirtshals, were on the line half hour before required 2 hour waiting period. There were lines of traffic from every road or track into and around town converging on terminal -gridlock until police arrived to direct. Unfortunately we ended up back where we had parked overnight!! Chaotic directions, certainly no respect for first-come-first-served principle as it had been on Denmark end - could not believe it when we were actually last in motorhome size to board! Fortunately this did not mean we missed out on comfortable seating aboard (didn't look forward to our return cabin with no porthole though).

GirlRob seasick within hours of boarding due to heavy swells. Missed Faroe Islands on way back as docking was in early hours of morning, however saw top of Shetland Islands next day. Also passed North Sea oil rig, and admired pretty sunset.
The TV in the cabin worked and we saw world news for first time in awhile. Re our travel plans for next year, dismayed to see that 1. Sanctions may be imposed on Russia due to escalating Ukraine crisis - lessons our chances of getting visas for the Stans trip next year, and 2. The only other entrance/exit location where Turkey meets Iran is awfully close to escalating ISIL crisis and refugees are flocking up a mountain and being stranded. Knowing the history and likely escalation of both hot spots we will need a Plan B for GlobalTrek 2015 if we are to have another year in Europe.
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