No-one slept well in such hot conditions. Discussion over maps with GnC re their plans whilst we divert to Bangkok - they'll go east to mountains, national parks in search of cool! Successful emails to Maxwells to assist replacing broken fan and broken chair (and sending more decent swimmers!) – indeed good mates. Off towards Phitsanulok, more irrigation, rice, channels, co-ops etc. High loads on back of lorries eg stacked chairs with people precariously perched on top.

Tesco's for lunch - getting acclimatised buying cash card to spend at different booths. We communicate by pointing to pictures or food, and gesturing ‘how hot?’ GirlRob is becoming more game - trying dried hanging meats, and strange flavoured sauces.
Plenty of activity as Songkran approaches (New Year, water dousing festival 13-15 April), statuary being moved, much moving of chair stacks and decorating of temples eg one tied up in huge black and white drapes. Highway 11 towards Bangkok is a boring piece of road, obviously major route for trucks we trawl behind. Choices of places to camp narrow as get closer to city. Scrutinising Pocket Earth we turned left towards a brown patch, marked with swampland, where we found a small flat-topped rise surrounded by thicket on one side overlooking irrigated rice paddies. Birds, nests, less smoke, cooler temperature... good enough!

Wrung and hung washing on line between trees; nice enough to sit outside in dark with cuppa. Bought in washing (half dry already) and festooned internal lines, using umbrella hanger for the “smalls”. Showered, bed, blog notes, snores....
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