Happy Khmer New Year!
Slept in to 8am - luxury! (or lay in really- traffic and bus washing started at 6am same as yesterday). In and around explorations of the city, we did our washing by hand and hung on line along awning – t’was good looking/smelling water so we also emptied our (washing!) tanks of the current mix (yellow/ brown with floating algae) and refilled ready to move on (we have not had to go into our 100 litre potable water we brought in from Brisbane as we have been able to buy drinking water to date).
Spent some time in the air-conditioning wifi of Gloria Jeans with all the other global travelers head-down doing the same thing. Its a long drive to Siam Reap tomorrow, so ended our day of relaxation with a sunset cruise along Tonle Sap to where it meets Mekong - wide and opaque. Saw shanty fishing village on island next to new resort going up - will inevitably be cleaned up or moved on before the opening date.
Watched very skilled lads playing shuttlecock using the backs of their feet as bats!
(See Phnom Penh
Shuttlecock, U Tube video
Fish and chips for dinner along waterfront- got drenched in storm walking back to "our" car park (see if you can spot the two camper trucks in the photo of the car park from the river...)

It sounds as if you did the same sunset cruise down the Ton Le Sap and Mekong that we did in February.