Sadly have to leave the lovely Khao Yai NP, but not before a look for the gibbons. Drove past little barking deer – they look too delicate for such a harsh sound!

Guy and Cheryl saw disembowelled Sambo deer, chewed face - keen to find out if killed by tiger – later found it was wild dogs/ "fox". Our early morning walk through rainforest behind visitors centre rewarded us - heard distinctive call of gibbons long before seeing them, saw their large shadows and heard them overhead crashing around in trees. Amazing how they can hang from one arm for so long!

Also saw macaques. A large flock of hornbills flew into tallest trees, as they moved through rainforest. Saw a long black squirrel running up tree too.

Reluctantly departed, a brown squirrel ran across road long and low like a ferret. Saw parrot sized bright blue birds, one with black beak, one red. Back in people country passed roadside industries, beautifully made wooden gazebos (better condition than some people's houses); carved furniture from tree buttresses and roots, even small untreated roots for sale. Cottage industries in rattan, baskets, thatch, bamboo, weavings etc.Headed to Sa Kaeo turnoff, lunch at KabinBuri markets $1.25 for three bags deep fried yams, corn/rice balls and bananas. Sat waiting for G&C to shop and watched woman cooking at cart, dropped food implement in dirt, brushed off and returned to pot... hmmm best not to know some things. Noticed increasing numbers of eucalyptus plantations (some planted in dry rice paddies) or used as road borders, but trees don’t seem to be left to grow large. Also saw truckload of gum trunks headed for sawmill.

How different was Pang Sida National Park – whilst known for butterflies and freshwater Siam crocodiles, it was the poor relation, no infrastructure, info centre closed, no leaflets, scale model of park, showing border with Cambodia. "Sorry no water" (in falls). One girl farewelled us "good luck - see you in one month"!! Disappointing although there were butterflies and birds. Officers preferred we stay in humid damp campgrounds with the mossies, but we drove higher to end of road and camped at the very pretty " viewpoint", overlooking mountains and treetops. GirlRob was stung by a bee almost immediately but scraped out the sting fairly quickly. Rain threatened, sunset was swallowed up by mist and clouds, last rosy- yellow sky before going completely dark with no stars.
BoyRob cooked pork stir-fry in plum sauce with vegetables, pineapple and noodles. Liking this Asian influence muchly! We will cross into Cambodia tomorrow – how amazing to note it’s our fifth country.
Cool pic of you guys all parked up at the lookout :)