Day 49 - Around Phnom
Penh - Sat 13 Apr
Woke to sound of buses parked next to us starting up, horns, increasing
traffic, and watching all the bus boys washing themselves and their vehicles at
the tap behind us on the riverbank.

Spent day following the Pol Pot story, how
regime perpetrated, Killing Fields, memorial containing skulls - audio tour
done poignantly, people telling own stories, excerpts from survivor memoirs, concerto
written in memory, 450 people in one mass grave, gallows, prisons, the ways men,
women, children and babies were tortured, abused and killed. The S21 museum had
photos of all dead, including one Australian, David Scott. The graphic sign says it all...
Mr Thy was our very
informative taxi driver, he was on his way home to spend New Year’s festival of 3 days with his dad. In the afternoon we lined up for entrance to Royal Palace, where they were
turning away women in miniskirts, sleeveless tops. On the other hand GirlRob was told by the guards to remove the scarf she had placed over her shoulders to cover the holes in the sleeves of her t-shirt! Palace was immaculate, ornate, tiles and gilt, beautifully
sculpted gardens.

Silver Pagoda housed silver and gold statuary, religious objects, containers,
jade, gemstones, gold beds that carried kings, and ornate chairs to sit on
elephants. We also saw the Liberation monument (but SO boring).

We took a tuk tuk down riverfront to an expat
bar and light meal, then came out and bought books by flashlight from carts on
street (first time seen English books for sale) - Lonely Planet Mongolia, map
of Cambodia/Laos (our current one is ripped), and two novels for BoyRob (he's terrible at
bargaining, keeps giving money away…) Exhausted, crawled into bed - to be woken at midnight by enormous deep booms,
whizzes and scattered pops of fireworks heralding New Year.
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