Leisurely read emails, photos, news
in bed this morning - how decadent! Son Justin sent a link to Namibian Times story about a
German man pulled out the high side window by a leopard whilst sleeping in his
Overland camper truck in Gaub Pass last week, and who was severely injured. He
was saved by his wife pulling him back in by the feet. Somber reading; we
intend to travel along Gaub River road. Feel a little better that we have the
bolt hole to the cabin, security mesh windows next to the bed, never leave any
camp items out overnight, and always lock the door no matter how hot the
weather. (Although BoyRob did not help the re-assurance process by reminding of
the synthetic canvas windows between roof and walls…) How will we find out whether
the Namibian policy is to capture animals who have attacked humans??
Everything in small villages seems to revolve around the church. Today there was a Communion procession down Main Street following the brass band into church - full to overflowing. Girls in calf length white dresses (shoes too big for some girls), boys in suits or liederhosen, all children carrying long candles with a pompom and white ribbons. There were more children than one might expect wearing prescription glasses (eye doctor does a good trade!). And there were children who looked to be from other countries, accompanied by blond adults - possibly sponsors? Following the ceremony children posed for photos with shiny gold certificates. Many women were in traditional dress, families stayed out for lunch in all local eateries, our hotel was full. Festivities went on all day, more church services early evening.

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