Ah, the best laid plans of mice and men...
GirlRob woke with a gummy left eye - staff on breakfast duty showed how to get
to closest doctor on Pocket Earth. After nurse filled out form with help of
passport and gestures re GirlRob’s offending eye, sat among many people with
flu waiting for space between appointments. Woman doctor not happy to touch/
examine eye or write a script for antibiotic salve without tests, so rang
around firstly to ambulance, then next: “you lucky, eye doctor Andorf today, but
hurry, 1pm kaput. No drive, you walk” which was the only means of transport anyway
as BoyRob was currently back at the hotel under the truck checking the
transmission oil etc. Paid €47 cash for referral. Walked to other side of
village, found Therapiezentrum, greeted with loud “Ah! Australie! Pay cash! You
sit!” Waited until waiting room full of people were seen before nurse conducted
eye tests - see balloon, blink, look down, what numbers/letters “ah yes, is Y”,
puff of air etc, as if going for new spectacles. Finally met lovely gent who
took one look and said “Ah, Conjuncti! Long yellow string! Biotic!” and gave
antibiotic drops with the bill – very generously charged only €25.

Too late to book out of hotel by then, so lunched, snoozed, read instead. Walked to park; the door to St Stephan’s Church was open so stepped inside. Heavily ornate High Altar, side altars and pulpit, compared to more bland view looking to back of church and balcony. As well as the enormous striking statue of Christ Crucified, the front of the church has stone tablets inscribed with names of local lives lost in war.

Too late to book out of hotel by then, so lunched, snoozed, read instead. Walked to park; the door to St Stephan’s Church was open so stepped inside. Heavily ornate High Altar, side altars and pulpit, compared to more bland view looking to back of church and balcony. As well as the enormous striking statue of Christ Crucified, the front of the church has stone tablets inscribed with names of local lives lost in war.
At least the day’s activities
meant the full bag of dirty clothes was washed and dried. Toasted last dinner in hotel restaurant, Hans’ food excellent as usual.

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