Visiting the Overlanders vehicles for a “show and tell”... fascinating people.
Hubert (psychologist) and AnnaLouise (Germans) have been here since November, Lorenz
and Gisela (Swiss) 4-5 weeks (only planning to leave Thailand coz visa running
out), and Peter and Suzannah (Swiss) a week. Lorenz says often "you don't
wake the sleeping dogs, eh?" we’re sure will become one of those enduring
sayings, like "and so it begins..."

Thoroughly enjoyed Thai massage in late afternoon. The girl Or, zeroed in on our tender spots – we couldn't believe the relief afterwards. She was a Laos girl, divorced, whose sister brought up her children - wants no new man, earns own money and loves 'be independent'. She was impressed by our truck and lifestyle: “you have own hospital, own supermarket, you are free!” Back to same beach bar for dinner, couldn't pass up good quality cheap food, or chance for another coconut shake. Paper lanterns were lit and when full of enough hot air rose slowly into night sky very high before finally extinguishing.
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