Sunday 29 May 2016. Bad Kissingen, Germany
Thunder, lightening, rained steadily until well after midnight; surprised to wake to a fine morning. GirlRob’s cough has gone deep into chest, everyone said go find a doctor, but we think we'll follow the Travel Doctor’s Stage Two advice first. Showered, washed hair, and checked out exhibits on way back to tent.
Surely you jest?? |
Built with money.... |
Built with love... |

Lance and BoyRob continued fitting new steps - followed instructions carefully to wire up, and both mighty pleased with results! Not such a good story with power though - definitely a house battery failure somewhere. Andrew obligingly found names/ addresses of recommended auto electricians for us to try tomorrow morning. Wanderoos not particularly happy with delay leaving Bad Kissingen, but better here than in countries coming up on itinerary. Farewelled Lance and Michelle, off to visit her sister on their way home. Walked over to Vernon and Wanita at Tray-On campers - promised to look them up at Maroochydore on our return. Day stayed very warm. Packed up at 5pm as show finally wound down.

Had final drinks, showed off photos of our children/ grandchildren - surprised at how heartfelt our goodbyes were to our new Swiss companions- we've become fast friends in our four days together. Will be lovely to see them again in September. Secured our cupboards, cleaned dishes, swept out grass clippings, shook mats, threw out old steps (very soon collected by another camper!!) Unpacked our valuables from side lockers into the vehicle’s front well ready for tomorrow's departure. Organisers allowed some to stay o/n in our rapidly emptying tent - not quiet with all the packing/ unpacking going on around us, but what luxury to remain undercover (if toilets /shower open in morning will be real bonus!) BoyRob had pork hock, cheese and crackers for supper but GirlRob not at all hungry, and went to bed early.
Our Swiss friends all have Swiss army knives!! |
Group photo - EarthCruiser Rocks!! |
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